Plots feature overlaps of mosaic data as an UpSet plot.
mosaicDataUpSet(assay_list, plot = FALSE, ...)
a list of data matrices with rownames (features) specified.
logical (default FALSE) whether the UpSet plot should be printed.
further arguments passed to `upset` from the `UpSetR` package.
UpSet object displaying degree of overlap of rownames (features)
among each of the data matrices in assay_list
. Set bars correspond to
the number of cells/samples present in each data matrix.
assay_list = mockMosaicData()
lapply(assay_list, dim)
#> $D1
#> [1] 150 50
#> $D2
#> [1] 150 50
#> $D3
#> [1] 150 50
# additional arguments from UpSetR::upset()
mosaicDataUpSet(assay_list, empty.intersections = TRUE)